
The world is reopening, and for many of us, the past 15 months have been draining, to say the least. There’s never been a better time to focus on being healthy, happy, and enjoying life. At LR-J Health Solutions, when we help our clients navigate their health insurance options, we are always humbled that we get to play a significant role in keeping them and their families covered and healthy. Truly, one of the best parts of being a health insurance broker are the relationships that are built with our clients, and learning about how they enjoy life in Arizona or California (since we are licensed in both!). This summer, join us in concentrating on our health and wellness as we move past the struggles we’ve endured since the pandemic began.

Being Healthy, Happy, and Covered This Summer 

It happened to a lot of us – the world shut down and there was nothing to do except stay inside and try to cope with the “new normal.” For many of us, that meant too many snacks, cocktails, and a shift to a sedentary lifestyle. Sure, there were many people who used quarantine as a chance to get in better shape than they were before, and we definitely applaud them! For the rest of us – what steps can we take for our health this summer?

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  We provide health insurance solutions to two of the hottest states you can find – Arizona and California. So it should come as no surprise this tops the list. Whether you live in the hottest parts of each state or elsewhere, it’s no secret that water is an essential part of being healthy. Good hydration can help flush toxins, promotes weight loss, and contributes to healthier skin. Additionally, according to The Harvard School of Public Health, “Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.” The general guideline is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces.  So, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink at least 90 ounces of water a day.  Cheers!
  • Let’s get moving again! Gyms are open, and many of them are still putting forth efforts to socially distance people and enforce enhanced cleaning. If you’re uneasy about returning to a sweat session in a gym, take the workout outside. Going for a brisk walk when it’s not scorching outside (early in the morning or later in the evening) can help you get your steps in. Swimming laps is an amazing cardio workout, or you can jump on the exercise bike trend and invest in a Peloton (or any of the more affordable options!). No matter what suits your fancy – start by setting an obtainable goal to simply get moving – whether it’s to get in a certain amount of steps, a set amount of time to workout everyday, or every week. You got this! 

LRJ Health Solutions

  • Stay sun-safe. We are headquartered in the Phoenix-area, literally called The Valley of the Sun, and we consider “home” to be Southern California. So, we know quite a bit about living in sunshine. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can be avoidable. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen that’s at least 30psf (truly, you should wear it year round!), and wear clothing and a wide brimmed hat that protects your skin. Protect your eyes with sunglasses that are able to block out the UV light as well. Between 10am and 4pm, UV rays are the strongest, so seek out shade during those hours.

  • Commit to healthier food choices. Summer is the perfect time to eat lighter and healthier. Take advantage of all of the readily available fresh produce, and load up on vegetables and fruits. Remember, not all produce is created equal in nutritional value, plus canned veggies can be full of sodium. And while you might opt for a salad at a restaurant – be wary in your choices. Pick salads with more leafy greens, vinaigrette dressings (on the side), and choose to top it with a lean protein like grilled chicken or fish. 

  • Connect with others. More than anything, we know that people have missed socializing and connecting with others as the past 15 months have been incredibly isolating. If you’re fully vaccinated, the CDC has issued new guidelines which state that you can resume the activities you loved before the pandemic, mask-free. What a fantastic time to plan something fun with friends and family to share some laughs and make new memories. LRJ Health Solutions
  • Travel! There’s a big, wide world out there – especially when you’ve been cooped up inside for so long! Plan a day trip or a longer road trip, or mask up and catch a flight far from home! Read on for more information about travel insurance.

Travel Safely This Summer!  LR-J Has Got You Covered

Whether you stay stateside or decide to travel internationally – we can help you with necessary additional health insurance coverage. Supplemental Accident Insurance plans can provide cash benefits you may need in the event of an accident while you travel, which can help you pay for medical costs not included in your standard policy, as well as household bills or other expenses while you recover. Of course – if you ask us, accident insurance is a good idea to have whether you’re at home or traveling, but it’s common that people seek it out before leaving home for a vacation. 

Furthermore, most domestic health insurance plans won’t cover you when you’re traveling internationally. Investing in travel insurance is more important than ever in this pandemic world. If you need to visit a doctor, urgent care, or hospital while traveling abroad, or if you need to fill a prescription, you’ll be forced to pay out of pocket, and without a travel insurance plan, you won’t be able to recoup those costs. Luckily, travel insurance is super affordable, and we can help you navigate your options before you leave on your adventures abroad. 

However you spend your summer, please know that LR-J Health Solutions wishes you the happiest of days. Licensed in both California and Arizona, LR-J is proud to serve all communities in both states. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your healthcare options, especially before you travel. We are happy to make sure you are covered with supplemental accident and travel insurance.  We can also be reached via phone at 480.779.8253 or via email – [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!