
Here at LR-J Health Solutions, our specialty is not only assisting individuals and families find the best healthcare coverage possible well within their budget, but also helping them make the most out of their health benefits.  

Making the Most of Your Healthcare Benefits with LR-J

It’s no secret that access to healthcare is crucial for maintaining one’s health, and having healthcare benefits is an essential part of that access. However, as a health insurance broker, our experience has shown us that many of our clients struggle to understand their healthcare benefits, as is the case across America. We know there are constant changes to policies, complex jargon to understand, and a general lack of education about the healthcare system. But now that it’s springtime and your insurance policy is in full effect (yay!), we would love to help you navigate your benefits so please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a time to go over your specific policy.

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In the meantime, here are some general tips on how to use your insurance strategically to ensure better health now and in the future. 

    1. Review Your Plan. First and foremost, which we know is easier said than done, is to take a deep dive into your benefits. Try to understand what your plan covers by reviewing your plan documents and reading through your co-payments, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket costs. Check to see what your policy says about virtual visits or telehealth options, mail-order prescription medications, OTC spending cards, nurse support lines, incentives for healthy activities like using a FitBit, joining a gym, and/or getting a yearly physical (more on all of that in a bit). To be able to make the most of your plan, you have to know what’s in it! Go over all of the details, and if you have questions or need anything explained, that’s what we’re here for! We would hate for you to pay out-of-pocket expenses for something you could have gotten covered by your plan, so please allow LR-J to be your greatest resource.
  • Use Preventative Services. Even the most bare-bone high-deductible plans offer many preventive and screening services for clients. Here are some of the preventative services that are likely included in your plan:
  • Testing for Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Cholesterol
  • Cancer Screenings
  • Counseling for Quitting Smoking, Losing Weight, Reducing Alcohol Use, and Treating Depression
  • Routine Vaccinations for Diseases such as Measles, Polio, and Meningitis
  • Flu, Pneumonia, and COVID shots
  • Women’s Screenings like Pap Smears and Mammograms
  • Counseling and Screenings for Healthy Pregnancies
  • Regular Well-Baby and Well-Child Visits from Birth to Age 21.

The American Academy of Family Physicians regularly updates this handy cheat sheet of recommended screenings by age, so you can be aware of what tests you need done to stay on top of your health. Of course, your doctor may recommend more or less depending on your family history or other risk factors, which leads us to our next tip.

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  • Find an Amazing PCP.  Making the most out of your health insurance is often dependent on your unique health situation. Building an ongoing relationship with a trusted provider can truly make all the difference. At the very least, you should be scheduling an annual physical to keep up-to-date with any changes in your body’s health and to give you an idea of what healthcare you may need in the future. Many plans even offer incentives to see a PCP and get a yearly physical and to engage in other healthy activities! Being consistent with which provider you see allows them to accurately track your vitals and labs, and to also be in tune with your family and personal history. 
  • Schedule Strategically. Health insurance plans all come with a deductible amount, which is the amount you have to pay before your medical costs are fully covered by your insurance. On January 1st every year, your deductible resets to zero, so at the moment, you’re likely paying out-of-pocket for medical expenses. If you know you need a big procedure (barring any unforeseen emergencies), it could be strategic to wait until the end of year so you pay into your deductible throughout the year to have your insurance pay the bulk of the costs. On the reverse, if you do have the resources, many people choose to get the big stuff out of the way at the start of the year to meet their deductible, securing the peace of mind that all other expenses throughout the year will be covered by their health insurance plan. 
  • Don’t Miss Out on Perks. We know shopping around and understanding even basic health insurance can be a lot! However, despite all of the headaches that come with figuring out healthcare in this country (and we truly hope we make it as easy as possible on you, because that’s always our goal!), your benefits package may actually come with some nice perks. More and more health insurance plans come standard with not just typical preventive services like we outlined above, but also some sweet discounts on things like gym memberships (Zumba, anyone?) or services that improve your quality of life like LASIK surgery or even massages. 

LR-J Health Solutions, Here to Help You Live Better

At LR-J Health Solutions, we are so humbled to be able to help our clients in both Arizona and California gain affordable health insurance and to make the most of their benefits. We truly hope you can help you navigate your policy so that you can live many years full of health and happiness. If you have questions about your medical, vision, or dental benefits, please reach out to schedule a personal consultation – laura@lrjhealthsolutions or give us a call at 480-779-8253.